Learning Portal for GP Registrars

Scholarships for special interest education and
free learning resources for doctors in training

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Through accredited medical education and hands-on training, HealthCert helps medical professionals deliver safe and effective patient care in general practice. Our main focus is to support the next generation of general practitioners through their education journey.

We provide doctors in training with free learning resources and university quality-assured certificate courses to improve their clinical knowledge, pursue a pathway with a focused expertise, and develop their understanding of business in general practice.

Download the Professional Education Guide for General Practice now to learn more about our range of face-to-face and online education opportunities, and take advantage of the special HealthCert scholarship for GP Registrars upon your enrolment.

GP registrars receive a HealthCert Scholarship and save $150-$350 on online certificate courses and $300-$500 on certificate courses that include a practical workshop. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with the Early Bird special.


SCREG certificate__w frameLearn the basic principles of skin cancer medicine, including how to carry out comprehensive skin cancer checks and identify suspicious skin lesions. The CDC/PDP accredited course, based on HealthCert skin cancer certificate courses and quality-assured by Bond University, is designed for GP registrars.

Topics covered

  • Epidemiology: Learn how to outline the foundations of epidemiology and evaluate the importance of skin history for accurate diagnoses.
  • Skin history and skin examination: Learn how to provide a systematic, best practice full-body skin cancer examination for patients in the primary care setting.
  • Benign and suspicious skin lesions: Learn how to identify and manage benign and suspicious skin lesions and categorise skin cancers and related conditions.
  • How to use a dermatoscope: Learn how to use dermoscopy in assessing suspicious skin lesions and minimise the risk of missing an obvious melanoma.
  • Three Point Checklist diagnostic algorithm: Learn how to use the Three-Point Checklist to assess lesions, including training images and case discussions.
  • Digital imaging: Learn how to use digital imaging for skin cancer medicine scenario in a busy general practice 

Date: Friday, 22 February 2019
Time: Registration from 5.00pm. Course from 5.30pm to 9.00pm.
Location: Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre (Also available via online live stream)
Inclusions: Digital workbook, digital certificate and refreshments
Accreditation: RACGP 2 x 10 Cat 2 CPD points and ACRRM 5 Core PDP points
Fees: Face-to-face: $45 or Live stream: $35
(Fees go to GPRA to cover administration costs.)


HURRY! Book before 15 February and go into the draw to WIN FREE registration to the two-day Professional Certificate of Skin Cancer Medicine course, valued at $3,195, running 23-24 February in Melbourne.


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Most medical graduates receive minimal training in skin examination and skin cancer management, yet skin cancer is one of the most common dermatological conditions seen in primary care. This course is designed for GP registrars who wish to acquire the knowledge required to safely and confidently treat commonly encountered skin lesions.

The program is based on the HealthCert Professional Diploma of Skin Cancer Medicine program, quality assured by Bond University and completed by over 10,000 medical professionals worldwide. Upon completion of this course, further training is recommended.

Date: Saturday, 30 November 2019
Time: 11.30am-5.00pm
Location: International Convention Centre Sydney



GPs manage skin cancer at a rate of 1.2/100 encounters, and excision of skin lesions is one of the most common procedures in general practice. There is an expectation that GP registrars should be able to comprehensively assess and manage skin cancers, including undertaking a range of related minor procedures.

This short course provides an introduction on how to screen and identify suspicious skin lesions in a busy general practice. The video lectures are based on university quality-assured skin cancer certificate courses which have been completed by thousands of medical professionals worldwide.


    How to provide a systematic, best-practice full-body skin cancer examination for patients.
    How to identify and manage suspicious skin lesions.
    How to use dermoscopy in assessing suspicious skin lesions and minimise the risk of missing an obvious melanoma.
    How to use the Three Point Checklist to assess lesions, including training images and case discussions.


Professor David Wilkinson


Professor Wilkinson is a general practitioner and public health medicine expert. He has published research papers on skin cancer, designed and led the development of the only Master of Medicine degree in skin cancer, and helped develop a suite of skin cancer certificate courses for general practitioners.


Medi-aesthetic treatments can be a valuable and profitable adjunct to the services you already provide in primary care. By diversifying your practice you will meet the rising patient demand for aesthetic procedures in Australia, retain existing patients and attract new ones while offering a reliable, non-Medicare-based revenue stream for your practice.

This short course provides GPs with an introduction to aesthetic procedures in your general or skin cancer practice. The video lectures are based on Australia's only university quality-assured Professional Diploma Program in Aesthetic Medicine. HealthCert highly recommends further aesthetic medicine training upon completion of the short course.


  • Part I: What is aesthetic medicine and why practise it
    The concepts of aesthetic medicine and benefits
    of introducing the services into your practice.

  • Part II: How to deliver a consultation
    Questions and factors to cover in patient consultations, including photography.

  • Part III: How to deliver injectable treatments
    Injectable treatments you may use and how you can
    access training in this area.

  • Part IV: When to use laser/energy-based devices
    Energy-based treatment modalities commonly
    delivered in primary care.

  • Part V: How to manage acne and acne scarring
    Approaches for treating acne, one of the most
    common skin presentations in everyday practice.

    BONUS LECTURE: How to integrate skincare into your practice
    Practical advice on how to integrate skincare into your practice (with case study).


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Dr Jenny Kimmins

Fellow of the Cosmetic Physicians College of Australasia
Aesthetic Medicine Physician and Medical Director at Southern Cosmetics, Victoria
HealthCert Course Chair for Aesthetic Medicine

Dr Jenny Kimmins spent many years in general practice before developing an interest in management and treatment of skin conditions. She has over 10 years’ experience in cosmetic medicine, including the management of acne and rosacea, laser skin treatments, dermal fillers and anti-wrinkle injections. She is a lecturer and trainer in aesthetic medicine and injectable cosmetic treatments.

Dr Kimmins completed a postgraduate Diploma in Dermatology with the Australian Institute of Dermatology and is a trained skin cancer physician with a special interest in sun-damaged skin. She was recently awarded a Fellowship of the Cosmetic Physicians College of Australasia.


Subscribe to the HealthCert blog to receive weekly updates on case discussions, new research and video tutorials pertinent to general practice.

Latest post:


Roadmap for national skin cancer screening program

Prof David Wilkinson shares the launch of the roadmap for a National Targeted Skin Cancer Screening Program in Australia.


Recent posts:

Evolution of pigmented Spitz naevi with starburst pattern in childhood
Dr Gabriella Brancaccio provides a new dermoscopy update on the evolution of pigmented Spitz naevi with starburst pattern during childhood. [Watch now]


Dr Terry Harvey’s journey as a skin cancer doctor
In this HealthCert podcast, Paul Elmslie speaks to Dr Terry Harvey about his journey as a skin cancer doctor practising on the Sunshine Coast. [Listen now]


Differential diagnosis of alopecia in children upon trichoscopy
Dr Vincenzo Piccolo explores the use of trichoscopy for the differential diagnosis of alopecia in children, in this update in dermoscopy for dermatology. [Watch now]


Injectable treatment options for medical concerns
Dr Jenny Kimmins shares her experiences with using injectable treatments for common medical concerns like teeth grinding, excessive sweating, or migraines. [Watch now]


You are faced with a variety of choices as you go through your training, and a career in general practice allows you to pursue areas of specific clinical interest. The job market for registrars is more competitive than ever due to increased cohort numbers so you might choose to undertake further formal studies and develop specific skills to set yourself apart.

In collaboration with leading subject experts, HealthCert offers medical courses at professional certificate, advanced certificate and professional diploma levels in skin cancer medicine, skin cancer surgery, dermoscopy, general dermatology, aesthetic medicine, and clinical procedures. All programs are fully accredited and provide academic credit towards multiple university Masters and clinical attachment programs.

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Online: Start studies anytime
Brisbane • Melbourne
• Sydney

Skin cancer is the most common dermatological condition seen in general practice - and it is not overly complex to manage if you have the right skill set. This program will not only give you the knowledge required to safely and confidently diagnose and treat the vast majority of skin lesions, but it will also help grow your practice and increase your revenue.

Online: Start studies anytime
Brisbane • Melbourne • Sydney

Surgery is still considered the most effective and definitive skin cancer treatment. With limited access to surgeons and year-long waiting lists at public hospitals, patients depend on skilled general practitioners who can offer an immediate solution to their concerns. This program is ideal for increasing your confidence in the management of complex skin cancer cases.

Online: Start studies anytime

Acquiring in-depth knowledge in dermoscopy will enable you to assess skin lesions with greater accuracy, detect melanomas in the early stages, and avoid unnecessary excisions. Presented by global leaders in the field, this online program will equip you with the substantial knowledge required to diagnose a wide range of lesions on any body part, skin type and age group.

Online: Start studies anytime

The Dermatopathology Masterclass course offers a comprehensive guide to the principles of dermatopathology and will help you understand and interpret pathology reports. Led by experts in the field, the masterclass will develop your overall diagnostic skills to an accomplished level and teach you what dermatoscopic features correlate with histology slides.


Online: Start studies anytime

GPs are confronted with common skin, hair and nail conditions on a regular basis. As medical schools offer minimal dermatology training, GPs are often underequipped to handle common presentations. Delivered by noted dermatologists, this online program will teach you how to manage major dermatological conditions and general disease states manifesting through the skin.


Online: Start studies anytime
Brisbane • Melbourne • Sydney

The latest trends in health and skin care result in an increased demand for skin repair and rejuvenation services - and skilled practitioners. Delivered by GPs for GPs, this strictly science-based program offers expert demonstrations and training in the evolving field of aesthetic medicine, including the business knowledge required to integrate the services into general practice.


Online: Start studies anytime

With Medicare rebates remaining low for consultations and the cost of providing medical care increasing, performing clinical procedures in your practice will not only reduce referrals but also increase your revenue. This program covers a range of foundation and advanced procedures, including general surgery techniques, contraceptive procedures, and joint injections.


Online: Start studies anytime

This three-part online program is tailored for medical practitioners who wish to gain a better understanding of nutrition management in order to improve patient outcomes, especially for those patients with conditions commonly seen in general practice, such as obesity, diabetes, pregnancy, cardiovascular disease, cancer and eating disorders.

Womens Health

Online: Start studies anytime

Delivered by leading experts in the field, this program offers foundation to expert knowledge in women’s health issues, covering crucial areas such as menstruation, menopause, sexual health, family planning, PCOS, pregnancy, breastfeeding, domestic abuse, cancers, infertility, obesity, incontinence, anorexia, and more.


With Paul Elmslie Founder and CEO, HealthCert and National Skin Cancer Centres


Every month, Founder and CEO of HealthCert and the National Skin Cancer Centres, Paul Elmslie, shares his extensive experience and valuable insights into how to operate a successful medical business, delight patients and meet today’s increasing challenges in primary care. From subspecialisation to clinic set-up, medico-legal regulations and Medicare billing, the series will cover a range of topics relevant to doctors in training who will be given the opportunity to submit questions and topic suggestions via email at askpaul@healthcert.com. Join our newsletter to receive a monthly webinar invite and a recording if you can't attend on the day.


Dr Carmon Guy, a GP Registrar from Queensland, shares her learning experience with HealthCert. To guarantee immediate applicability of knowledge, all certificate courses and workshops include theory and practical sessions providing lots of opportunity to practise various procedures on pork parts, simulated models or cadavers.



 “HealthCert courses have become the standard by which you gauge all others.”

     - Dr K. Abolarinwa, WA

"A great pathway to improve your confidence and evolve into the GP you aspire to be."

     - Dr S. Shinwari, VIC

"To be honest, I'm not really sure how one would safely practice without doing one of these courses!"

     - Dr N. Tumman, QLD


"Every GP registrar, especially rural GP registrars, should do these courses."

     - Dr H. Chung, VIC


"I learned how to diagnose skin cancer and
distinguish suspicious and non-suspicious lesions."

     - Dr S. Sahu, NSW


"There's always something new to learn and this course certainly exposed many things I can start doing better. It was empowering, informative and educational."

     - Dr I. Nwali, NSW

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