Delivered by experts in the field, the three-part Professional Diploma program in Chronic Disease & Conditions equips medical practitioners with the skills to prevent, treat and manage some of the most common chronic illnesses seen in primary care.

It is estimated that over 58 per cent of patients presenting to general practice in Australia have at least one chronic condition. As a first point of contact and having built a trusted rapport with patients, GPs are ideally positioned to provide support for those with chronic health issues and comorbidities.

In this online medical course tailored for general practitioner training, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the management of chronic disease and conditions (including of the heart, lung, gastrointestinal system, kidney, thyroid and eyes; gender-specific chronic health issues; hepatitis; obesity; diabetes; Parkinson's; osteoarthritis; and more) to better support your patients and reduce the impact of comorbidities. Learn how to work as part of a team-based management plan that involves efficient coordination between healthcare providers, patients and their families, to improve your patients' overall health and quality of life.


Gain an understanding of chronic conditions and illnesses commonly encountered in primary care to improve patient outcomes.

  • Communication skills in general practice
  • Congestive cardiac failure
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Gastrointestinal complaints
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Managing the provision of chronic health care


Develop comprehensive knowledge in the prevention, diagnosis and ongoing GP management of chronic illnesses.

  • Hepatitis A, B and C
  • Hypertension (prevention and Rx)
  • Coronary artery disease (IHD)
  • Tobacco related conditions
  • Obesity and women’s health
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
  • Prostate conditions and checks
  • Prostate cancer
  • Cardiovascular health and weight control in men


Achieve expert knowledge in the management of chronic diseases in primary care, including clinical case submissions.

  • Thyroid conditions
  • Asthma
  • Inflammatory arthritis
  • Papulosquamous disorders: Psoriasis, lichen planus and pityriasis rosea
  • Osteoporosis
  • Managing long-term childhood conditions in general practice
  • Atrial fibrillation
  • Unexplained symptoms


This Primary Certificate course allows you to gain an insight into the HealthCert Professional Diploma of Medical Nutrition Management program by exploring one of the most prevalent topics in the field.

  • Different dietary approaches for the management of chronic disease: Mediterranean, MIND, vegetarian, high protein, low GI
  • Are carbs the enemy? Understanding the nutritional needs of patients with diabetes.
  • Latest trends in cardiovascular nutrition

This short course provides a direct credit into the Nutrition pathway.


The courses are suitable for physicians and degree-qualified medical professionals.

  • No previous formal training is required for the Professional Certificate course.
  • Participants of the Advanced Certificate course must have successfully completed the Professional Certificate course or have equivalent qualifications.
  • In order to qualify for the Professional Diploma, participants must complete both certificate courses in sequential order.
  • Participants do not have to pass an IELTS test but, as the courses are delivered in English, proficiency in listening, reading and writing English is assumed.
  • Participants will require access to a computer/laptop, an internet connection and a basic level of technology proficiency to access and navigate the online learning portal.



Study at your own pace and to your own schedule. Interactivity, discussion, and feedback opportunities are included.

  • View and replay video lectures at your convenience.
  • Participate in online case discussions and interact with your peers. 
  • Attend or watch recordings of live tutorials with experts.
  • Ask questions and discuss clinical cases in live tutorials.
  • Complete your assessment online and receive your CPD hours and certificate.



Graduates of the HealthCert Professional Diploma of Chronic Disease & Conditions may apply for a scholarship to an online Master degree from our partner in the UK. HealthCert recommends the MSc in Preventative Cardiovascular Medicine, MSc in Respiratory Medicine and MSc in Obesity and Weight Management which is awarded by University of South Wales. Please contact our UK partner directly regarding this scholarship:


Professional Certificate of Medicinal Cannabis

  • Introduction to the endocannabinoid system
  • Exploring THC and CBD
  • Routes of administration, side effects and contraindications
  • Patient cases and basic ailments
  • History of cannabis and medical acceptance
  • Chronic pain and medical cannabis
  • Anxiety, insomnia and depression
  • Cancer symptomatic treatment

Advanced Certificate of Medicinal Cannabis

  • Multiple sclerosis, spasticity, tremor, dystonia
  • Treatment resistant pain, neuropathic pain, cluster headaches and migraines
  • Auto immune disorders and inflammatory conditions
  • Inflammatory bowel disease: Chrons Disease and ulcerative colitis
  • ASD: Autism, ADHD, OCD, Tourettes
  • Diabetes, glaucoma, hypertension
  • Women's health and endometriosis, PMT, osteoporosis
  • COPD, asthma, eczema, psoriasis, skin conditions

Professional Diploma of Medicinal Cannabis

  • Geriatric and palliative medicine
  • Epilepsy: Adult and child
  • PTSD: Treatment in clinical practice
  • Advanced mental health
  • Cancer: A curative approach - where to beyond symptom relief
  • Treatment resistant patients and patients with high cannabinoid needs
  • Endocannabinoid support: Advanced techniques for maximising ECS efficiency
  • Complex chronic disease














Meet Your Instructors

Your instructors are noted specialists in Medicinal Cannabis.

A/Prof Norman Eizenberg

MBBS, FRACS (Hon.) Clinical Academic Lead (Back to Base Days) Melbourne Clinical School, The University of Notre Dame. Honorary Principal Fellow Department of Anatomy & Neuroscience, The University of Melbourne

A/Professor Norman Eizenberg has taught anatomy to medical students (at Melbourne and Monash Universities) and surgical trainees for more than 40 years. His main areas of research and scholarship are in medical education (including student learning of anatomy) and in anatomical variations (including their surgical implications). He was awarded an Honorary Fellowship Degree (in 2016) by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in recognition of “significant work in anatomy and of contributions to the College” and is currently Anatomy Specialty Editor for the ANZ Journal of Surgery.

A/Prof Eizenberg’s biggest role is project leader of a comprehensive, interactive learning platform exploring anatomy from multiple perspectives. So far, ANATOMEDIA has received four national or international awards, including the Australian Publishers Association "Best teaching & learning package in tertiary education" (in 2008). Norman keeps his hand in clinical practice after-hours as a GP. He was a Victorian Australian of the Year Finalist (in 2014) for “outstanding contribution: anatomist, doctor and educationalist”.

Huddy Fuller

Dr Huddy Fuller

Dr Fuller is a General Practitioner who Graduated from the University of Tasmania. Dr Fuller has a background as an exercise physiologist and enjoys bringing this knowledge to General Practice. He is experienced in musculoskeletal medicine and chronic disease. Huddy focuses on an education and shared decision-making approach to general practice.

Alice Lam

Dr Alice Lam


General practitioner interested in evidence-based medicine and education for medical professionals and their patients. Dr Lam has 23 years of medical experience in Australia and overseas.

Anoop Jalota

Dr Anoop Jalota


Dr Jalota is a General Practitioner who has special interests in undertaking emergency procedures as well as musculoskeletal medicine.

David Pugh

Dr David Pugh

Senior Lecturer in Exercise Physiology within the School of Sport and Health Sciences at Cardiff Metropolitan University, Wales.

Dr Pugh is a Senior Lecturer in Exercise Physiology within the School of Sport and Health Sciences at Cardiff Metropolitan University, Wales. His global research agenda focusses on how regular exercise and physical activity can effectively prevent and treat cardiovascular and metabolic diseases across the lifespan.

Dr Ronnie Bateman

Dr Ronnie Bateman is an Australian-based health professional. Ronnie is trained as a Physiotherapist, Podiatrist (General) and has a practice located in Camberwell. His special interests are foot, ankle and knee.



Single course


Two-Course Bundle*


Three-Course Bundle*


*Special rates for upfront registrations for multiple courses within the same pathway.

Single course 

$640 x 3 

Two-Course Bundle

$605 x 6

Three-Course Bundle

$645 x 8 

 Defer your payments over several months.


GP REGISTRARS: Doctors in training who are on a pathway to General Practice Registration through a recognised training provider receive a HealthCert Scholarship and save $500 on face-to-face certificate courses (two-day practical workshops) and $300 on online and hybrid certificate courses (one-day practical workshop with supporting online theory). This offer cannot be used in conjunction with the Early Bird special.


Each of the three levels of this course consists of eight modules which are delivered online and can be viewed and replayed at any time. All courses include:

  • All presentation slides available for download.
  • Access to additional learning resources, reference materials and video lectures.
  • Readings with references to peer-reviewed journal articles to keep up-to-date with developments in the field.
  • Web-based support with the opportunity to ask the instructors questions while you implement your learning.

There is a three-month exam period for the Professional and Advanced Certificates. In order to pass the assessment and progress to the next course, you must complete the assessment within three months of the exam opening date. Exam extensions of up to six months are available on a case by case basis.

Online activities for the Professional and Advanced Certificates include a pre-course activity, responding to interactive case discussions, knowledge- and scenario-based questions, two interactive webinars, and a post-course activity.

Online activities for the Professional Diploma level include a pre-course activity, literature review, responding to interactive case discussions, knowledge- and scenario-based questions, two interactive webinars, and a post-course activity. A clinical audit is also a module of the Professional Diploma designed to demonstrate your application of learning in clinical presentations. The clinical audit is separately accredited.

Online assessment

In order to meet the requirements of professional and academic learning, the course assessment includes professional requirements and two online examinations.

  • Develop a report/explanation of how the learning from this course will help you with your professional development. - All certificate levels
  • Complete a literature review of three articles nominated by the course chair. - Professional Diploma only
  • Complete a clinical audit (separately accredited) to demonstrate application of learning. - Professional Diploma only
  • There is a knowledge-based examination and an application-based examination which are both equally weighted. The pass mark for online examinations is 80 per cent. It is therefore not possible to pass this course on knowledge alone; knowledge must be successfully applied to patient cases in order to pass the course. - All certificate levels
  • Explanation of how the learning from this course has helped you with your professional development. - All certificate levels

HealthCert recommends completion of all requirements at your convenience within three months of the exam opening date for Professional and Advanced Certificates and nine months of the course commencement date for the Professional Diploma.


PCMSM (2)Upon successful completion of the exam, course participants will receive the respective Certificates of Medicinal Cannabis and below points.

RACGP and ACRRM points pending. 


This program:

  • Is reviewed by Griffith University in compliance with RACGP/ACRRM standards.
  • Provides CPD points from the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP).
  • Provides PDP points from the Australian Council of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM).
  • Is recognised by the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP).
  • Is recognised by the Hong Kong College of Family Physicians (HKCFP). The HKCFP recognises all courses endorsed by the RACGP. Points are calculated differently.
  • Is a self-submitted activity in Dubai. The number of CPD points must be stated on the certificate. Please contact for more information.
  • Is a self-submitted activity in the UK. CPD events overseas, applicable to a doctor’s scope of practice, may be submitted for revalidation. Please confirm with your Responsible Officer.
  • Is a self-submitted activity in Canada through the College of Family Physicians of Canada. Category 1 points are reported as certified and Category 2 points are reported as non-certified. Contact for more information.
  • Meets World Federation of Medical Education standards.


This online three-part program consists of the Professional Certificate, Advanced Certificate, and Professional Diploma of Medical Cannabis.


Certified clinical attachments pathway

Course graduates may continue their professional development by completing a clinical attachment, which are available on request. These will be on a 1:1 basis providing the opportunity to observe clinical nutrition consultation, planning and decision-making and ask questions of the expert. Clinical attachments are available in Australia.


Postgraduate pathway for Medical Cannabis

This pathway is suitable for medical practitioners who are mainly interested in clinical academic study. Medical professionals who successfully complete the HealthCert Professional Certificate, Advanced Certificate and Professional Diploma of Women’s Health will be eligible to apply for recognition of prior learning

Reviewed by
2024 Griffith University logo_600x300
Qualifies for CPD hours with
This organisation is an RACGP-accredited CPD provider under the RACGP CPD Program
RACGP Major CPD Provider