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When can you consider radiation therapy for your skin cancer patient?

Oncologist A/Prof Sid Baxi talks about when a GP or skin cancer doctor might consider using radiation therapy for their skin cancer patient.

radiation therapy for skin cancer
HealthCert Education
1 minute read

In this short video, leading oncologist Associate Professor Sid Baxi explores when a GP or skin cancer doctor might consider using radiation therapy for their skin cancer patient.

"Radiation therapy is a very useful tool in the toolbox for managing non-melanoma skin cancers.

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"Radiation therapy can play a few roles in the management of skin cancer," says A/Prof Sid Baxi. "In the post-operative setting to prevent recurrence, in the definitive setting when you can't operate, and where there is an issue with field cancerisation and you're trying to control an entire area with many tumours.

"It is an option to be considered by skin practitioners when topical therapies aren't solving the problem, surgical therapies are causing cosmetic or functional challenges for the patient, or when the patient is getting tired of repeated interventions and is looking for an alternative solution.

"GPs play a vital role in selecting the right patients to consider for radiation therapy. GPs should be connected with their local radiation oncologists and discuss with them whether radiotherapy is appropriate.

"There are certain guidelines that provide support for when radiation therapy is indicated."

Watch all this and much more in the full video here:


How to upskill in skin cancer medicine

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