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2025 masterclasses in dermoscopy and surgery

15 - 16 August 2025

The Westin Brisbane, QLD Australia


Global experts Ashfaq A. Marghoob, Cristian Navarrete-Dechent, Tony Dicker, and Tony Azzi present two days of practical workshops in skin cancer diagnosis and treatment, live in Brisbane this August.

The 2025 Dermoscopy Masterclass and Skin Cancer Surgery From A-Z offer an exclusive opportunity to sharpen your diagnostic acumen in dermoscopy and build your procedural toolkit in skin cancer surgery, with teachings from the foremost experts in skin cancer. They will share their vast knowledge, tips, tricks of the trade, patient cases, and more, offering a rich learning experience tailored for both experienced practitioners and those aspiring to take their skills to the next level.

This is a must-attend event for any doctor who sees patients with skin cancer concerns in primary care. You will build confidence in diagnosing and treating skin malignancies, with an emphasis on practical application, and walk away with the knowledge to excel at what you do. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from the world's best and elevate your skin cancer work.

World-class presenters

Ashfaq A. Marghoob _ circle
Dr Ashfaq A. Marghoob
MD MSK - Dermatology

Dr Ashfaq A. Marghoob is a dermatologist specialising in the diagnosis and treatment of cancers of the skin. He is the director of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering regional skin cancer clinic located in Hauppauge, Long Island. He remains committed to patient care, education and research. His clinical research has led to the publication of numerous peer reviewed manuscripts and book chapters on topics related to skin cancer with an emphasis on melanoma, acquired melanocytic naevi, congenital melanocytic naevi, and basal cell carcinoma. The focus of much of his research is on early recognition of skin cancer utilising imaging instruments such as photography, dermoscopy, and reflectance confocal microscopy. Dr Marghoob frequently lectures on these topics both nationally and internationally.

Cristian Navarrete-Dechent _ circle
A/Prof Cristian Navarrete-Dechent MD

Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology, Melanoma and Skin Cancer Unit of the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,in Santiago, Chile

A/Prof Navarrete-Dechent is a dermatologist from Santiago, Chile. He works both in clinical practice and as a researcher with main interests in cutaneous oncology pathogenesis, treatment, and diagnosis with total body photography, dermoscopy, reflectance confocal microscopy, optical coherence tomography, and artificial intelligence.
He also treats patients with skin cancer with Mohs micrographic surgery and other treatment modalities. He has authored scientific articles in the field of diagnosis and treatment of skin cancer.
A/Prof Tony Dicker

Associate Professor (Skin Cancer) & Course Coordinator MMed (Skin Cancer), The University of Queensland

Associate Professor Tony Dicker has practised full-time Skin Cancer Medicine in Melbourne since 2004, and previously practised in Brisbane. He obtained his PhD from The University of Queensland in molecular biology of skin cancer with Professor Ian Frazer's group at Princess Alexandra Hospital. He then spent three years as a dermatology registrar at the Royal Brisbane and Princess Alexandra Hospitals.

Dr Anthony Azzi
MBBS MMed (Skin Cancer)

Senior Lecturer, The University of Queensland

Director at Newcastle Skin Check, Charlestown NSW

Dr Anthony Azzi graduated from the University of Sydney in 1989 and moved to Newcastle, where he spent the next 13 years working in the public hospital system. He now works in private practice as a Skin Cancer Doctor and Assistant Surgeon. He completed a Master of Medicine in Skin Cancer from The University of Queensland, where he is now a Senior Lecturer. He is a member of the Australian Medical Association, Skin Cancer College Australasia, and the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine.


Dermoscopy Masterclass
Dermoscopy Masterclass:
Skin Cancer Diagnosis
Friday 15 & Saturday 16 August 2025
Dr Ashfaq A. Marghoob (USA) & A/Prof Cristian Navarrete-Dechent (Chile)
Delivered by two leading experts, the 2025 Dermoscopy Masterclass is designed for medical practitioners who wish to elevate their diagnostic accuracy in skin cancer detection.
This advanced program dives deep into the principles of dermoscopy, covering both foundation and cutting-edge techniques. Gain critical skills in pattern recognition, learn to differentiate between benign and malignant lesions, understand the nuances of dermoscopic algorithms as applied to various areas of the body, recognise the important of dermoscopy in settling on benign diagnoses, and learn the role of dermoscopy in guiding treatment.
This masterclass deals with an algorithmic approach to skin lesion diagnosis, specifically focusing on the TADA methodology, which follows a structured, rule-based system to evaluate dermoscopic features systematically. This is quite different from other approaches you may know, such as Chaos & Clues, so even the most advanced dermoscopist will learn a fresh approach to skin cancer checks.
Whether you want to sharpen your existing knowledge or develop new skills, this two-day practical masterclass will equip you with the insights to make a meaningful impact in your practice.
Skin Cancer Surgery Masterclass
Surgery from A-Z:
Skin Cancer Treatment
Friday 15 & Saturday 16 August 2025
A/Prof Tony Dicker (Australia) & Dr Tony Azzi (Australia)
This hands-on workshop is designed for primary care doctors across all experience levels looking to enhance your skin surgical skills.
Gain confidence in elevating your skin cancer surgery knowledge to the next level and performing procedures on all parts of the body (including complex areas like the face) through hands-on skills practise and real-life case discussions.
The two-day practical program will allow you to practise and hone your surgical skills or arm your toolkit with new techniques from A to Z. Bridge the gap from basic to complex procedures and progress from simple ellipse repair to advanced techniques such as flaps, wedges, and grafts.


   Dermoscopy Masterclass Surgery
Day 1: Friday, 15 August 2025
Time Topic Topic
8.30am Registration
9.00am Welcome

Introduction: History of dermoscopy with Dr Marghoob

Dermoscopy – light source (NPD, PD, UVFD) with A/Prof Navarrete-Dechent


Introduction, surgical setup and consent with A/Prof Tony Dicker

10.30am Morning tea

Histopathology correlates with Dr Marghoob 

NMSC: dermoscopy and its impact in clinical practice with A/Prof Navarrete-Dechent


Ellipses, wedges, grafts, and advancement flaps with Dr Tony Azzi
12.30pm Lunch

The universe of naevi with Dr Marghoob

The universe of melanoma with A/Prof Navarrete-Dechent


Rotation and transposition flaps with Dr Tony Azzi

3.00pm Afternoon tea

Mimickers with Dr Marghoob

The other cancers with A/Prof Navarrete-Dechent


Island flaps, technical flaps, and nail matrix biopsy with Dr Tony Azzi
5.00pm End of day 1


Day 2: Saturday, 16 August 2025
8.30am Registration
9.00am Welcome
9.00am Facial lesions with A/Prof Navarrete-Dechent

Volar lesions with Dr Marghoob 


Complications and tips
with A/Prof Tony Dicker & Dr Tony Azzi

10.30am Morning tea
11.00am Nail lesions with Dr Marghoob 

Creepy crawlers with A/Prof Navarrete-Dechent

Cases with A/Prof Tony Dicker & Dr Tony Azzi
12.30pm Lunch

The difficult to diagnose melanomas with Dr Marghoob

The other benign tumours with A/Prof Navarrete-Dechent


Rotation flaps (practical) with A/Prof Tony Dicker & Dr Tony Azzi
3.00pm Afternoon tea

Lentigo maligna: shifting paradigms with Dr Marghoob and A/Prof Navarrete-Dechent

Limitations of dermoscopy: need for more (RCM) with A/Prof Navarrete-Dechent


Transposition and island flaps (practical) with A/Prof Tony Dicker & Dr Tony Azzi
5.00pm End of day 2
Register now

Early Bird registration still open!

As the two Masterclasses run concurrently, a variety of registration options are available to you to ensure you don't miss out. You may enrol in one Masterclass OR enrol in both Masterclasses (to attend one in-person and receive a recording of the other). Fully online options also available. 

Dermoscopy + Surgery    OPTION 1

> Attend two-day Dermoscopy Masterclass in-person
on Friday, 15 & Saturday, 16 August 2025

> Receive full recording of Skin Cancer Surgery From A-Z

Limited Early Bird special price:
$2,999   $2,799   (save $200)

Surgery + Dermoscopy   OPTION 2

> Attend two-day Skin Cancer Surgery From A-Z  in-person
on Friday, 15 & Saturday, 16 August 2025

> Receive full recording of Dermoscopy Masterclass

Limited Early Bird special price:
$3,399  $3,199  (save $200) 

Surgery    ONLY

> Attend two-day Skin Cancer Surgery From A-Z  only,
in-person on Friday, 15 & Saturday, 16 August 2025

Limited Early Bird special price:
$2,599  (save $200)

Dermoscopy    ONLY

> Attend two-day Dermoscopy Masterclass only,
in-person on Friday, 15 & Saturday, 16 August 2025

Limited Early Bird special price:
$2,199  (save $200)

Surgery + Dermoscopy 

> Receive full recordings of Skin Cancer Surgery From A-Z  and Dermoscopy Masterclass

Limited Early Bird special price:
$1,495  (save $200)


> Receive full recording of
Skin Cancer Surgery From A-Z  only

Limited Early Bird special price: $1,295
$1,199  (save $96)


> Receive full recording of
Dermoscopy Masterclass only

Limited Early Bird special price:$1,295
$1,095  (save $200)

GP Registrars and National Skin Cancer Centres doctors can save; please contact our Education Advisors to receive the special code. 


The two-day event will take place at The Westin Brisbane: 111 Mary Street, Brisbane QLD 4000. See map.

View more information about what to expect at the venue, including full program agenda, location details, parking, accommodation special offers, and more: [COMING SOON]

CPD accreditation

• Dermoscopy Masterclass: TBC
• Skin Cancer Surgery From A-Z: TBC

What our alumni have to say

"This has been the best ever educational experience I've enjoyed in many years. This was the most worthwhile skin cancer primary care meeting available, and the calibre of presenting experts was superb."

Dr Donal Kerrin

"A detailed, comprehensive, up-to-date way to improve and increase knowledge. It's always good to be at the cutting edge of new developments in skin cancer medicine."

Dr Keith Skilbeck

"A gripping, knowledge-acquiring, enriching experience. I learnt comprehensive information on skin cancer prevention, treatments, methodologies, diagnoses, research, and practical hints."

Dr Ruth Nimbargi


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