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Men's Health

Advance your competency and confidence in the management of male health conditions to an accomplished level.

Professional Diploma of Men's Health


Become a go-to confidant for your male patients by acquiring near-expert knowledge in the management of men's health conditions, including gout, sleep apnoea, musculoskeletal problems, conditions related to smoking, peripheral arterial disease, congestive cardiac failure, HIV, and more.

  • This course will advance your confidence and competency in managing men's health presentations.
  • Build a better rapport with your male patients to help them manage gender-specific health issues.
  • This course is for physicians, nurse practitioners, and degree-qualified nurses. 
  • CPD-accredited and university-reviewed.

CPD requirements

Fulfils 50 hrs for medical professionals in Australia

Study modes

100% online

Course fee

Special rates available

Study duration

104 hrs

Griffith reviewed logo

Course benefits

  • Save lives through prevention and early intervention of common male health problems.
  • Improve outcomes for patients with congestive cardiac failure, peripheral arterial disease, and gout.
  • Effectively manage HIV, sleep apnoea, and recurrent musculoskeletal conditions and sports injuries in men.
  • Support your male patients and provide preventive measures for health conditions related to tobacco use.

Get unlimited access to all course content, additional learning materials, ongoing post-course support, and more.

Course contents

Congestive cardiac failure in men
This module begins with an overview of congestive cardiac failure including classification guidelines and prevention strategies. The diagnosis, pathophysiology and investigation of heart failure are outlined including charts, diagrams and images. Causes of heart failure including myocyte damage and loss, abnormal loading conditions and arrhythmias are covered. Further information on aetiology and ongoing assessment in CCF where causes of heart failure are not apparent from the history, examination and investigations are outlined. The management and co-morbidities of these symptoms are discussed. The module concludes with a discussion on the management and prognosis of acute heart failure including end of life care.
Obstructive sleep apnoea in men
This module focuses on obstructive sleep apnoea. The definition and epidemiology of sleep apnoea is presented before discussing the importance of sleep and possible associated health problems with this disorder. The causes, risk factors, pathophysiology and associated conditions are outlined in detail before moving to clinical features and potential signs of this condition. Screening tools and clinical assessment considerations are outlined including diagnosis and evaluation tools and their limitations. The pattern of normal sleep is outlined as a base for diagnosis and differential diagnoses. A case study reinforces this information. Management options are outlined around education and lifestyle modifications. Medical options including devices, medications, airway management and surgical treatment are discussed. Information on the use of machines for the management of sleep apnoea are discussed. Two case studies offer a practical application of module content.
Peripheral arterial disease in men
This module focuses on Peripheral Arterial Diseases (PAD). The definition, epidemiology and risk factors associated with PAD are presented before focusing on lower limb peripheral arterial disease due to atherosclerosis or atherothrombosis. The pathophysiology and the associated conditions with PAD include carotid artery disease, renal artery disease and LEAD (asymptomatic/symptomatic).  Screening tools and clinical assessment considerations are detailed including clinical features covering gender differences, overview, intermittent claudication, limb threatening ischaemia and acute limb ischaemia. The importance of patient history and possible differential diagnoses include Baker’s cyst, spinal stenosis, lumbosacral radiculopathy, joint osteoarthritis, venous claudication and diabetic neuropathy. Examination guides are outlined that include information on different forms of ulcers. The use of the ankle-brachial index diagnostic tool together with lab testing and imaging options (including limitations) are covered. The treatment and management of patients with conditions relating to peripheral arterial disease are described in detail and include lifestyle modifications, patient education, exercise, tobacco cessation and multimodal care. Management plans may include pharmacotherapy and surgical intervention options as part of the management plan.  
Managing male patients with HIV

This module is a deep dive into managing patients with HIV, the treatment options, and the comorbidities associated with HIV. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) is recommended for treating HIV infected patients with detectable viremia and treatment options in conjunction with ART are outlined for various conditions. The side effects associated with ART are also discussed. Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) is detailed including major and minor criteria, and lists opportunistic infections and neoplasms that fall under IRIS. A comprehensive list of associated diseases of HIV are discussed before moving to inflammatory conditions such as psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, papular pruritic eruption and eosinophilic folliculitis. Treatment options are included. Depression is recognized as a major factor leading to poor outcomes among people living with HIV and have a lower uptake and adherence to medical care.

Gout in men
Gout is a challenging and important disease for practitioners to diagnose and manage. It is an inflammatory joint arthritis in response to monosodium urate (MSU) crystal formation and deposition in joints, bones and soft tissues. The module commences by outlining inflammatory monoarthritis and pseudogout including the aetology, symptoms, medical history and examination tips. Content includes an outline of primary and secondary gout. The three phases of gout are described in detail incorporating clinical features of the gout flare, intercritical gout, chronic gouty arthritis, tophaceous gout and TOPHI. Content includes investigations, treatment, contraindications, prophylaxis considerations, medications, patient education and key points.  
Tobacco related conditions
This module begins with an overview of the epidemiology of tobacco-related conditions and statistics of deaths caused by tobacco in Australia. It briefly discusses the features of addiction, the pharmacokinetics, the different types of tobacco products and alternative tobacco and nicotine delivery methods. The module then focuses on measures to assist patients with cessation of smoking including counselling, follow-up consults, pharmacotherapy, the use of e-cigarettes as harm reduction, non-drug interventions and concomitant drugs. The health consequences of active smoking and second-hand smoke are outlined. The module concludes with different types of screening to conduct for smoking-related conditions including those affecting the lung and heart.
Recurrent musculoskeletal and sports injuries in men
This musculoskeletal module focuses on assessing patients with recurrent musculoskeletal conditions and sports injuries, including establishing a management plan with other health professionals. It outlines the differential diagnosis, prevention, management and long-term rehabilitation of plantar fasciitis and chronic ankle instability. In this module, the aetiology, risk factors, presentation, differential diagnosis, examination, imaging and management of Achilles tendinopathy, shin splints, patellar tendinopathy, Osgood-Schlatter’s disease, Carpal Tunnel syndrome, Ilio-tibial band friction syndrome and rotator cuff tendinitis are discussed in detail. The module concludes with the diagnosis and management of elbow epicondylitis and lumbar facet joint syndrome.   
Men’s cases: Smoking, gout, PVD and CCF
This module focuses on the role of the medical practitioner in the management of conditions that commonly affect men. Participants are guided through how a GP can manage each of the four patient cases. The first condition is tobacco use in Australia and the burden of tobacco related diseases. The case is about the challenges of quitting smoking and explores the option of prescribing vaping as a substitute, supported by studies and regulations. The second case explores the gout condition. Men are more likely to have gout than women. Statistics and risk factors are discussed, followed by a case study on a 58-year-old male with suspected gout. History, medications, investigations, differential diagnoses, treatment and management options are outlined. The third case focuses on peripheral vascular disease. History gathering, medications, examinations, investigations, diagnostic tests and management options are discussed including surgical referral. The fourth case focuses on a 65-year-old patient with suspected congestive cardiac failure. The approach includes medical history, medications, less common symptoms, examination and investigations, causes and diagnostic criteria. Suggested treatment, management and prevention options are included.

Did you know you can also study most of these course modules in HealthCert 365?

If you're not interested in pursuing a full certificate in this field but simply want to enhance your skills in specific topics covered in this course, you can access the content of this and other courses for a flat fee of $83 per month (paid annually) within HealthCert 365.

Meet your instructors

Daniel Barquero
Dr Daniel Barquero
General practitioner
Dr Daniel Barquero is originally from Costa Rica. He earned his medical degree from the Universidad de Ciencias Médicas in Costa Rica. He also has a master’s degree in Rare Diseases from the University of Valencia. He is an active member of several medical societies, including EADO, EAACI, EADV, CILAD and the IDS. Dr Barquero continues to explore his interest in clinical research.
Joe Kosterich (3)
Dr Joe Kosterich


Doctor, speaker, author, media presenter and health industry consultant

Dr Kosterich writes for numerous medical and mainstream publications and is a regular on radio and television. He is often called to give opinions in medico legal cases, is clinical editor of Medical Forum Magazine, adjunct professor (teaching) at UWA and a lecturer at Curtin Medical School.

Medical Advisor to Medicinal Cannabis company Little Green Pharma and Chairman of Australian Tobacco Harm Reduction Association, Dr Kosterich has self-published two books: Dr Joe’s DIY Health and 60 Minutes To Better Health, and maintains a website and blog with health information and commentary.

Previously he held senior positions in the Australian Medical Association and sat on numerous industry and government boards. He has extensive corporate experience in the setting up and management of medical centres and in helping businesses maintain a healthy workforce.

Through all this he continues to see patients as a GP each week.

Alice Lam
Dr Alice Lam

General practitioner

Dr Alice Lam is a general practitioner passionate about evidence-based medicine and education for medical professionals and their patients. She has over 23 years of medical experience in Australia and overseas. Dr Lam graduated from the University of Manchester, UK and practised both as a locum and partner. Since 2008, she has worked as a GP in Melbourne, Australia. Her other interests include digital health, health writing and education for health professionals and patients.

Dr Kate Moriarty
BMed (Hons), FRACGP, DCH


Registrar supervisor and senior lecturer for UNSW Rural Clinical School, Port Macquarie campus
Dr Kate Moriarty works in private general practice in Port Macquarie, Australia, where she is also a supervisor of GP registrars and of medical students. She is a senior lecturer for UNSW Rural Clinical School, Port Macquarie campus. She has special interests in women’s health and medical education.
She holds a Bachelor of Medicine (honours), Fellowship of the RACGP and a Diploma in Child Health.
David Pugh
Dr David Pugh


Senior Lecturer, Exercise Physiology, School of Sport and Health Sciences, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Wales

Dr David Pugh is a Senior Lecturer in Exercise Physiology within the School of Sport and Health Sciences at Cardiff Metropolitan University, Wales. His global research agenda focuses on how regular exercise and physical activity can effectively prevent and treat cardiovascular and metabolic diseases across the lifespan.

Study modes

Study 100% online

100% online

Study at your own pace and to your own schedule. Interactivity, discussion, and feedback opportunities are included.

  • View and replay video lectures at your convenience.
  • Participate in online case discussions and interact with your peers.
  • Attend or watch recordings of live tutorials with experts in the field.
  • Ask questions and discuss clinical cases in live tutorials.
  • Complete your assessment online and receive your CPD hours and certificate.
HealthCert 365 - a digital CPD library

HealthCert 365

Easily meet your CPD requirements and gain valuable skills – all in one place. 

  • Customise your learning experience by accessing and focusing only on course modules that interest you the most.
  • Gain access to 200+ additional CPD activities and 50-hour special focus CPD programs, sourced from all HealthCert university-assured programs.

Professional Diploma of Men's Health


  • Meets the 50hr annual CPD requirement
  • 100% online
  • Flexible start and completion time


Bundle two courses and save 5%, or three courses and save 10% upon enrolment.
Talk to us about deferred payment options, registrar scholarships and special rates.

PDMEN certificate

Great course! it is very relevant to all practising GPs. Who knew that there is a pathologist "secret". Every GP should know this!

Dr M. Parashar

Highly satisfied. Real patients and cases enhance the learning experience. I will attend the advanced course. 

Dr N. Kazi

Don't miss this course! It's interesting, practical and enjoyable. After attending courses for 30 years, I rank this as number one. The course is very useful to all doctors who diagnose and treat skin lesions. Top marks to the organisers.

Dr P. Laundy

Everything was very relevant and easy to understand. Certainly in a very different league to all the other courses I have attended.

Dr M. Kaur

I wish I had completed this course two years ago. My time in general practice so far has not enhanced my diagnostic or surgical skills and I have been scared about skin checks! I actually feel not only confident but empowered. A fantastic course! Thank you!

Dr A. Mooney
This certificate meets the 50hr annual CPD requirement for medical practitioners

HealthCert courses have become the standard by which you gauge all others.

Dr K. Abolarinwa

Good courses with excellent speakers. I particularly enjoyed the case study scenarios which helped to integrate the knowledge gained.

Dr A. Tucker

This is the pathway to improve your confidence and evolve into the GP you aspire to be.

Dr S. Shinwari

Accredited CPD activities in this certificate

Each module in this certificate is an RACGP and ACRRM approved CPD activity.

RACGP Activity Number ACRRM Activity Number Activity Title Education Hours Performance Hours Outcome Hours
442742 31090 Tobacco related conditions 442742 31090 4 6 0
450710 31153 Gout 450710 31153 4.5 6 0
448717 31152 Recurrent musculoskeletal and sports injuries in men 448717 31152 5 6 0
441329 31080 Congestive cardiac failure 441329 31080 4.5 6 0
822010 33210 Obstructive sleep apnoea 822010 33210 4.5 6 0
822041 33212 Managing male patients with HIV 822041 33212 4 6 0
822022 33211 Peripheral arterial disease 822022 33211 4 6 0
822048 33213 Men’s cases: Smoking, gout, PVD and CCF 822048 33213 4.5 6 0
765067 32416 Clinical Audit of Men’s Health: Prostate conditions 765067 32416 0 2 19.5
765071 32417 Clinical Audit of Men’s Health: Wellbeing and lifestyle choices 765071 32417 0 2 19.5
Total hours 35 52 39

The peer-reviewed comprehensive clinical audit associated with this professional diploma exceeds the annual CPD outcome measurement hours. 


Pre- and post-course information

Entry requirements

The Professional Diploma of Men's Health is tailored for medical practitioners who wish to build on the knowledge gained from the Professional Certificate and Advanced Certificate of Men’s Health and want to improve patient outcomes by managing common men’s health issues in general practice. There will be a greater focus on difficult and complex cases in this Professional Diploma. Submission and analysis of medical practitioners’ own cases are a key feature of this course.

This course is for physicians, nurse practitioners, and degree-qualified nurses. The prerequisite for this Professional Diploma course is the successful completion of the HealthCert Advanced Certificate of Men’s Health (or a qualification deemed equivalent) and HealthCert also highly recommends successful management of at least 30 cases of men’s health issues prior to enrolment.

Participants do not have to pass an IELTS test but, as the courses are delivered in English, proficiency in listening, reading and writing English is assumed.

Participants will require access to a computer/laptop, an internet connection and a basic level of technology proficiency to access and navigate the online learning portal.

Professional Diploma courses are at the highest level at HealthCert, so there are additional professional requirements and submission of online cases. A literature review must also be completed of journal articles.

Recognised prior learning (RPL)

Professionally recognised qualifications and prior studies may be recognised for entry into this course if the learning outcomes match exactly. Please ask a HealthCert Education Advisor for an individual assessment of your prior qualifications and experience.


This certificate course meets the minimum 50 hours CPD annual requirement across all three mandatory CPD activity types.

Upon successful completion of the course requirements, course participants will receive the Professional Diploma of Men's Health, and CPD hours.

This certificate course:

  • Is reviewed by Griffith University.
  • Qualifies for CPD hours from the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP).
  • Qualifies for CPD hours from the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM).
  • Is recognised by the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP).
  • Is recognised by the Hong Kong College of Family Physicians (HKCFP). The HKCFP recognises all courses endorsed by the RACGP. Hours are calculated differently.
  • Is a self-submitted activity in Dubai. The number of CPD hours must be stated on the certificate. Please contact for more information.
  • Is a self-submitted activity in the UK. CPD events overseas, applicable to a doctor’s scope of practice, may be submitted for revalidation. Please confirm with your Responsible Officer.
  • Is a self-submitted activity in Canada through the College of Family Physicians of Canada. Contact for more information.
  • Meets World Federation of Medical Education standards.
  • Has been independently developed with subject experts and does not receive education grants from any pharmaceutical company.

To learn more about the delivery of certificates in Australia and overseas, please visit our FAQs.


Men's Health Pathway

This course is the final stage of the three-part men's health pathway. The full pathway is Professional Certificate of Men's Health, Advanced Certificate Men's Healthand Professional Diploma of Men's Health.

You might also be interested in HealthCert's Advanced Workshop of Non-Scalpel Vasectomy or the Primary Certificate of Sexual Health for Men


University quality-assured and CPD-accredited education provider

This organisation is an RACGP-accredited CPD provider under the RACGP CPD Program.

Griffith reviewed logo
RACGP Major Provider
ACRRM logo 2023-2025

Frequently asked questions

Don't see your question? Explore other faqs or talk to us.

What are the costs and payment options of the course?

Fees will vary based on the program and study option selected (fully online vs online + optional practical workshop). Payments can be made upfront or in monthly instalments. Special rates and various payment options are available. GP registrars and doctors in training enjoy a scholarship of up to $500. Talk to us to learn more.

What is the Alumni Support Program?

Completion of any HealthCert course or attendance at an event will enable you to access the HealthCert Alumni Program which includes:

  • Access to special alumni rates for new courses when they are released.
  • Special alumni price for HealthCert Conferences.
  • Exclusive advanced access to HealthCert events.
  • Regular Alumni Webinars pertaining to the course(s) you have attended. These will provide content review of the course and an opportunity to discuss case studies.
  • Access to the video lectures as seen during the course(s) that you have attended.
How will I receive my certificate?

HealthCert Education is pleased to issue digital credentials for alumni. Digital credentials are a permanent online record of your successful completion of a HealthCert course and are issued to all course participants in addition to PDF certificates. If you are based in Australia, you also have the option to order a hard copy of your digital certificate for a small additional fee.

How long will the course take to complete?

The recommended study duration of this certificate course is 104 hours, which includes study of the pre-course activities and readings, online lectures, live tutorials, and online assessment. This self-paced course offers the flexibility of 100% online study in your own time, at your own pace, in your own home or office, with no mandatory face-to-face requirements. You are not required to be online at specific times but can view and replay video lectures at your convenience.

Is this course recognised in my country?

All HealthCert courses meet World Federation of Medical Education standards. This certificate course qualifies for CPD hours from the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) and the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) in Australia. It is recognised by the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) in New Zealand. It is recognised by the Hong Kong College of Family Physicians (HKCFP) in China. It is a self-submitted activity in Dubai and the United Kingdom. It is a self-submitted activity through the College of Family Physicians in Canada. If you live or work outside one of the above-mentioned countries, please contact us on to discuss whether this course can be recognised in your country.

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