Gain a better understanding of medical nutrition in order to improve patient outcomes in primary care. Explore the role of therapeutic diets in the treatment of chronic illnesses and other nutritional disorders as applicable in a general practice setting to provide comprehensive health care to your patients.
Simply fill in the form to your right and you will gain instant access to the free video lectures which you can watch and replay anytime.
Presented by leaders in the field, this short course provides an introduction to clinical nutrition management in primary care, covering some of the most common nutrition-related presentations general practitioners see in their day-to-day work. The video lectures are based on HealthCert Education's university quality-assured certificate courses in Clinical Nutrition. HealthCert highly recommends further training upon completion of the short course.
If you are interested in formal training and certification in medical nutrition after the completion of the online short course, please join us for the university-assured certificate courses in clinical nutrition, available fully online (start anytime).

Anna Millichamp APD
Senior Teaching Fellow, Nutrition & Dietetics, Bond University
Anna Millichamp is an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) with more than 10 years’ experience, focusing predominantly in paediatric nutrition. Anna has worked in both acute hospital settings and in her own private paediatric dietetics practice in the Northern Rivers of NSW.
With expertise in supporting the nutrition of neurodiverse families, paediatric food allergies and intolerances and infant feeding difficulties, Anna is dedicated to helping families incorporate intuitive eating principles into their feeding relationships.
Anna has recently joined Bond University as a Senior Teaching Fellow and is facilitating the first tertiary created online Medical Nutrition Management course for General Practitioners in Australia and supporting the clinical teaching team.

Kathryn Nolan APD
Senior Teaching Fellow, Bond University
Kathryn Nolan is an Accredited Practising Dietitian with more than 20 years’ experience. She has worked in many cosmopolitan, rural and remote areas of Queensland, Australia. Her extensive experience includes both hospital and community positions for Queensland Health as well as a successful private practice within a general practice setting. More recently she became a Senior Teaching Fellow at Bond University.

Dr Hannah Mayr APD
Post-doctoral researcher, Princess Alexandra Hospital
Assistant Professor, Nutrition & Dietetics, Bond University
Dr Hannah Mayr is an Accredited Practising Dietitian who recently completed her PhD thesis at La Trobe University. Under the principal supervision of leading Mediterranean diet researcher, Prof Catherine Itsiopoulos, she investigated the effect of a Mediterranean versus low-fat diet on inflammation and adiposity in patients with coronary heart disease.
Hannah has published a number of reviews, methods and results-based papers within this work and received the ‘New Researcher Award’ at the 2018 Dietitians Association of Australia National Conference for her thesis work exploring a novel dietary assessment tool, the Dietary Inflammatory Index. Her research and practice interests are in dietary patterns and interventions, chronic disease and metabolic health.
Hannah currently works as a post-doctoral researcher at Princess Alexandra Hospital (PAH) in Brisbane and externally with La Trobe, which includes activities to enable implementation of the Mediterranean diet into routine care for chronic disease management. At PAH she leads a mentorship group focused on research capacity building for clinical dietitians. She also teaches into the Master of Nutrition and Dietetics at Bond University and she is passionate about engaging dietetics students in research activities.
The free online short course is ideal for medical practitioners with little or no previous training in nutrition who would like to understand some of the basic concepts and how to get started in this field. The free course is not comprehensive and further training is recommended after completion of this introductory online course.