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Research summary: Primary prevention of skin cancer

Prof David Wilkinson shares a review on primary prevention of skin cancer. The paper provides a succinct summary of what is understood in this field.

prevention of skin cancer
HealthCert Education
1 minute read

Review articles co-authored by leaders in the field are a very useful way to keep up to date on a topic. They also serve as a useful reminder about what is known, what is unknown, and what is unclear.

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This month we share a short review paper on primary prevention of skin cancer. It is important for skin cancer doctors to be across this topic, not least because we often include aspects of prevention in our consultations. And, often, we are asked about prevention and patients trust our advice.

This paper provides a succinct summary of what we do understand about primary prevention of skin cancer, and also poses some interesting “open questions” .

Read the full paper here.

– Prof David Wilkinson

Read another research summary from Prof David Wilkinson: The role of photodynamic light therapy for BCC

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