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Research summary: Preventive activities in general practice

Prof David Wilkinson shares the RACGP Red Book, which supports preventive activities across many aspects of primary care, including skin cancer.

RACGP Red Book
HealthCert Education
1 minute read

This month we look at the new edition of the RACGP Red Book, the 10th edition of the document that supports preventive activities in general practice.

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Long awaited, the 10th edition updates evidence across many aspects of our work in primary care. Of specific interest to us, of course, is the section on skin cancer which is found in chapter 10 of section 7.

These few pages are well worth a careful read as they are a good guide to how we can best serve our patients in a general practice setting. 

Read the full paper here.

– Prof David Wilkinson

Read another research summary from Prof David Wilkinson: Primary prevention of skin cancer

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