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Dermatology case discussion: Scaly pink lesion on temple

A 35-year-old woman presents with concerns about a pink, scaly lesion on her temple that she noticed months ago. What is your diagnosis?

case discussion
HealthCert Education
1 minute read

In this week's general dermatology case discussion, submitted by Dr John O'Bryen, we look at a 35-year-old woman who presents with concerns about pink, scaly lesion on her left temple that she noticed months ago, but she has been busy caring for her baby.

What is your diagnosis and what would you do next? What can she use on her skin long-term to help prevent lesions like this?




KA sunscreen LRPA shave sample of the lesion reported actinic keratosis.

The patient was prescribed topical fluorouracil and calcipotriol cream to spot treat the lesion. She will do the treatment soon after weaning her baby. She will return after treatment to re-examine and confirm resolution of the lesion.

Long term, Dr O'Bryen recommended morning application of La Roche Posay Anthelios KA+ Sunscreen SPF 50+ (which contains niacinamide and panthenol) to sun-damaged skin to prevent relapse of actinic keratoses.


This general dermatology case discussion is presented and moderated by Dr John O'Bryen and brought to you by La Roche Posay.

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