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Research summary: Photodynamic therapy to treat field cancerisation

Prof David Wilkinson shares a paper providing a comprehensive overview of the value of photodynamic therapy for treatment of field cancerisation.

photodynamic therapy
HealthCert Education
1 minute read

This month we share a recent paper from Dermatology Practical & Conceptual that provides a comprehensive and insightful narrative overview of the value of photodynamic therapy (PDT) for treatment of field cancerisation of the skin.

For more information on this topic, you may be interested in the HealthCert Professional Diploma in Skin Cancer Medicine: medical courses online + with optional workshops ideal for GP training towards a focused interest in skin cancer.

There are several different therapeutic options for treating field cancerisation, or widespread solar damage, and these are mentioned in the paper.

Many patients value and benefit from some form or field treatment for their solar damage. And, while the benefit in terms of keratinocyte cancer prevention is not defined, the effectiveness in terms of treating actinic keratosis is clear. Many patients gain a cosmetic benefit that delights them.

This paper is well worth a careful read to understand the background to PDT, the evidence base for it, comparisons with other modalities, and options for using it.

Read the full paper here.

– Prof David Wilkinson

For further information on this topic, you may be interested in the HealthCert Professional Diploma in Skin Cancer Medicine.

Read another research summary from Prof David Wilkinson: Skin cancer surgery clinical guidelines

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