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Patient resource: Post-procedure wound healing

Access a free downloadable resource to educate your patients on post-procedure wound care and healing, and how to minimise scarring.

patient resource
HealthCert Education
1 minute read

If you perform skin cancer procedures in your practice, access this free downloadable resource to educate your patients on post-procedure wound care and healing, and how to minimise scarring.

For further information on this topic, you may be interested in the HealthCert Professional Diploma in Skin Cancer Medicine.

20-26 November 2023 is National Skin Cancer Action Week – a reminder of the importance of skin cancer prevention, early detection, and timely treatment!

Resources are available to help you provide effective skin cancer care to your patients. The below downloadable PDF can be distributed to your patients following a skin cancer procedure to support them with post-surgery wound care and healing, and optimising scarring results.


Want to learn more? Get started with HealthCert's free online short course in Skin Cancer Screening to learn how to identify suspicious skin lesions.


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