How would you manage this pink patch on the abdomen?
Case discussion: An asymptomatic 70-year-old male patient has a full-body skin examination, during which a small pink patch is noted. What would you do?
Case discussion: An asymptomatic 70-year-old male patient has a full-body skin examination, during which a small pink patch is noted. What would you do?
Watch Associate Professor Tony Dicker's advice for doctors who want to start out in skin cancer procedural work in their practice.
There has been recent media coverage on the risks of excessive vitamin B6 consumption. Read more about the risks associated with vitamin B6 toxicity.
How would you manage this lesion on the back of a female patient with a history of melanoma which total body photography AI skin imaging identifies as new?
Read more about how to identify the cause of abdominal wall pain (including problems of the muscle, nerves, fascia, and skin) in your patients.
Dr Vincenzo Piccolo explores the use of trichoscopy for the differential diagnosis of alopecia in children, in this update in dermoscopy for dermatology.