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Research summary: Roadmap for national skin cancer screening program

Prof David Wilkinson shares the launch of the roadmap for a National Targeted Skin Cancer Screening Program in Australia.

national skin cancer screening program
HealthCert Education
1 minute read

This month we note the launch of the Roadmap for a National Targeted Skin Cancer Screening Program. 

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Following years of discussion, deliberation, research, and advocacy, the Commonwealth government has funded a large program of work (over the next 3.5 years) to develop a roadmap for a national, targeted skin cancer / melanoma screening program.

Most recently, in 2023 a national workshop considered these issues in detail, publishing an important report. And, as a result, when Professors Georgina Long and Richard Scolyer were named Australians of the Year, the Commonwealth government funded this major program of work with multiple millions of dollars.

There are five workstreams covering all the aspects and issues that need to be considered and developed to establish a successful, cost-effective skin cancer screening program for Australia.

Learn more.

– Prof David Wilkinson

2025 Masterclasses

Australia’s premier skin cancer education event returns in 2025 with NEW presenters and a NEW program! Join us for this exclusive opportunity to sharpen your diagnostic acumen and build your procedural toolkit, with teachings from the world’s foremost experts sharing their vast knowledge, latest breakthroughs, real patient cases, and more.

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