Important benchmarks and metrics for general practice success | Part 2
Tune into part two of this latest podcast with Chris Smeed (co-creator & CEO, Cubiko) exploring key benchmarks and metrics for success in general practice.

HealthCert Education
Tune into this latest HealthCert podcast with Paul Elmslie and Chris Smeed (co-creator and CEO of Cubiko) as they discuss important benchmarks and key metrics for running a successful general practice.
This is part two of a short podcast series on medical business management, with this part focusing on data compliance, privacy, challenges, and more.
For further information on this topic, you may be interested to learn more about HealthCert's online Professional Diploma Program in Medical Business Management.
Listen to the full podcast now:
In this episode of HealthCert’s GP Insights podcast, Paul Elmslie (CEO & Founder of HealthCert Education) talks with Chris Smeed, co-creator and CEO of Cubiko, a medical practice platform that provides insights and analysis into all practice data and helps identify areas to improve profitability and efficiency in your practice.
Missed part one? Catch up here.
In part two of this podcast series on how to identify and work towards key benchmarks and metrics for a successful general practice, Paul and Chris discuss:
- Specific challenges and barriers that general practices face when it comes to utilising data for practice improvement.
- How data can be used in a way that helps a medical practice keep track of patients and ensure they are being seen or followed up when they need to be.
- How general practitioners can leverage benchmarking data to compare their practice's performance against industry standards.
- Regulatory or compliance requirements that general practices need to consider when it comes to data collection and analysis.
- How general practitioners can ensure the privacy and security of patient data while still using it to drive practice improvements.
- Effective strategies for integrating data-driven decision-making into the day-to-day operations of a general practice.
Hear all this and much more in the full podcast above, and join us for the next podcast when we continue our deep-dive into this topic.
For further information on this topic, you may be interested to learn more about HealthCert's online Professional Diploma Program in Medical Business Management.