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Dermatology case discussion: How would you treat child with eczema?

What is your management plan for this 18-month-old male child who presents with acute lesions on the bilateral pre-auricular skin, ongoing for six weeks?

eczema case discussion
HealthCert Education
1 minute read

In this general dermatology case discussion, we look at an 18-month-old male child located in rural Queensland who presents with acute lesions on the bilateral pre-auricular skin and left lateral eye, ongoing for six weeks.

What is your treatment plan for this patient?

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Dr Kate DeAmbrosis' management plan for 18-month-old boy with acute facial eczema on background of Goldenhar syndrome:

  1. Swab MCS & viral PCR to exclude bacterial/viral superinfection
  2. Implementation of skin hygiene routine: once daily 10 minute potassium permanganate soaks, pat dry, thick application of Advantan FO under damp cotton face cloth occlusion 10 minutes
  3. Twice daily moisturiser e.g. QV Sting Free or LRP Cicaplast Baume
  4. Review 3 days (inpatient) to ensure skin response
  5. Consult with Ophthalmology for review of dermolipoma (R lateral canthal area bulbal conjunctivae) and dermoid cyst R temple.
  6. Consult with plastics for elective dermoid cyst and skin tag excision

General Dermatology case discussion presented and moderated by Dr Kate DeAmbrosis and brought to you by La Roche Posay.

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