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How to perform curettage and cautery on superficial BCC

Video: Dr Hamilton Ayres demonstrates how to perform curettage and cautery, a simple procedure which can be efficiently applied to treat superficial BCC.

HealthCert Education
1 minute read

If you treat skin cancer patients in your practice, view the below video with experienced skin cancer doctor Hamilton Ayres.

Dr Ayres demonstrates how to perform curettage and cautery, a simple procedure which in rarely taught but can be efficiently applied to treat superficial BCC.

You will see a step-by-step demonstration of the procedure as well as valuable advice on the selection of appropriate lesions for this treatment.


Advanced Certificate of Skin Cancer Medicine

The full Advanced Certificate of Skin Cancer Medicine includes theory and surgical practical sessions on:

  • Advanced Dermoacopy
  • Curettage and Cautery
  • Diathermy
  • Advanced biopsy techniques
  • Topical treatment options
  • Local anaesthetics
  • Incisions / Haemostasis
  • Large elliptical excisions
  • Lower leg grafts
  • suturing, including ''paper-thin'' skin

The Advanced Certificate of Skin Cancer Medicine course will solidify and advance your competency in dermoscopy, surgical and non-surgical treatments.  You will gain hands-on experience in rarely covered areas of skin cancer medicine, including diathermy, curettage and cautery or suturing 'paper-thin' elderly skin.

You will also receive an excellent introduction to advanced dermoscopy and acquire the essential knowledge to diagnose and manage most skin cancers in your practice. 

This course is the second part of the three-part Professional Diploma of Skin Cancer Medicine.


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