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Biomechanical assessment of gait problems

Read more about the biomechanical assessment of lower limb and gait problems in the clinical setting.

gait problems
HealthCert Education
2 minute read

The variations in human gait depend on biomechanical differences unique for every individual, such as physical activity, age, normal walking patterns, and pathological conditions that result in an abnormal gait.

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Differences in anthropometric measurements, stride length and speed contribute to varying gait patterns.

In clinical settings, clinicians use subjective observation to analyse gait. The biomechanical assessment of the patient's lower limb involves analysis, assessment, and evaluation of joint range of motion, muscle action, and walking pattern, from anterior, posterior, and lateral views.

The patient is assessed based on the following anatomical components:

  • Lumbopelvic control
  • Hip muscle control (intrinsic stability)
  • Hip range of motion
  • Knee and ankle muscle control
  • Foot position
  • Proprioception and balance

Normal biomechanical lower limb assessment checklist

•    Lordosis/kyphosis
•    Lateral scoliosis
•    Rotational scoliosis

•    Ant/post tilt
•    Elevated/depressed
•    Rotation

•    Internal/external rotation
•    Hip
•    Flex/extension
•    Adduction/abduction

•    Internal/external torsion
•    Knee
•    Flex/extension
•    Varum/valgum

•    Plantar flexion
•    Dorsiflexion
•    Varus/valgus

•    Toe flex/ext
•    Pronation/supination
•    Adduction/abduction

Biomechanical parameters for gait analysis 

Gait involves a complex interaction between the neuromuscular and skeletal muscle coordination. Failure of either of these systems can cause movement disabilities.

Certain biomechanical parameters are used to identify the abnormal gait, including gait velocity, cadence, stride length, joint angles.

Another conventional method to identify gait deviation is spatiotemporal gait assessment.

The phases of a normal gait cycle:

  • Initial contact
  • Mid stance 
  • Terminal stance
  • Push off 
  • Pre swing
  • Initial swing
  • Mid swing 
  • Terminal swing

The biomechanics of the lower limb depend on the musculoskeletal model proposed by Arnold et al. A musculoskeletal model is made up of bones, muscle-tendon segments, ligaments, and wrapping materials. Joint mobility is contingent upon the appropriate activation of every muscle group.

The body segments that make up the musculoskeletal model of the lower limb (including both legs) are the torso, pelvis, left and right femur, tibia, patella, talus, calcaneus, and toes.

The musculoskeletal model is used to estimate the joint position, acceleration and velocity of movement to achieve the normal position and gauge the effect of multidirectional forces and torque produced on joint motion.

Gait problems

Pathological gait is often characterised by abnormal biomechanical patterns.

Gait abnormalities can develop due to neurological conditions such as stroke, Parkinson's, cerebral palsy, cerebral ataxia, or myelodysplasia, or due to trauma, injury or neuropathy such as peripheral neuropathy, femoral nerve neuropathy, etc.

The basis of treatment is an understanding of the elements of a typical human motion.

The common biomechanical pathological gait is summarised here:

excessive foot pronation

weak tibialis posterior, pes planus

equinus gait

· decreased ankle dorsiflexion

· tibial varum

· tibia and femur medial rotation

excessive foot supination

pes cavus

equinus gait

· pelvis lateral rotation

· femur rotation

· medial rotation at tibia and femur

excessive plantar flexion

Achilles tendon contracture

contracture gait

· knee hyperextension

· trunk forward bend

· hip flexion

· early heel rise

foot slap

dorsiflexor weakness

steppage gait

cerebral ataxia

· poor balance

· broad base

·  lurch/stagger

· poor sensation and muscle coordination


abductor muscle shortening

· atherogenic gait

· neurogenic gait

· hemiplegic gait

· hemiparetic gait

· flaccid gait

· hip and knee stiffness

· smaller gait length

· loss of flexibility in hip and knee

· increased limb length

pelvic drop

contralateral gluteus medius weakness

Trendelenburg’s gait

· coxa vera

· congenital dislocation of hip

· lateral thorax thrust

· drooping of contralateral side

decreased hip flexion

flexors weakness and extensor shortening

psoatic limp gait

· leg calves Perthes’ disease

· hip adduction along with lateral rotation and flexion

· increased limb length

decreased hip extension

extensor weakness, flexor contracture

contracture gait

· lumbar lordosis

· trunk extension

· knee flexion

adductor muscle paralysis

adductor shortening

scissors gait

· cerebral palsy

· knee flexion

· hip external rotation

· spastic paralysis of adductor muscles

general body flexor spasticity

neck trunk knee flexors affected

Parkinson’s gait

· neck trunk knees flexed

· festination

· forward lean

· short steps

· fast paced

· loss of alternating arm movement

- Dr Humda, Physiotherapist

Learn more about this topic in the HealthCert Professional Diploma program in Musculoskeletal & Sports Medicine - fully online or with optional practical workshops.

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