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A guide to effective practice management | Part 1

Tune into this podcast with Paul Elmslie and Matt Woollard on key components of effective general practice management.

practice management
HealthCert Education
1 minute read

Tune into this latest podcast with Paul Elmslie (Founder & CEO, HealthCert Education and National Skin Cancer Centres) and Matt Woollard (COO, National Skin Cancer Centres) as they discuss the key components of effective general practice management, based on their own experiences owning and operating 40+ skin cancer clinics over the past two decades.

Listen to the full podcast now:


In the first episode of a short series on HealthCert's GP Insights podcast, Paul Elmslie and Matt Woollard discuss:

  • The key components of effective practice management in a skin cancer clinic or general practice. This includes how to schedule appointments efficiently, how to streamline patient flow, how to optimise resource allocation, and how to keep comprehensive records.
  • How to ensure a seamless patient experience while maintaining efficiency in a clinic setting. This includes the importance of prioritising clear communication, minimising wait times, providing easy access to information, and focusing on personalised care.
  • Key challenges you might face in managing a practice and how to overcome them. Challenges can include managing high patient volumes, handling complex cases, and maintaining regulatory compliance. Paul and Matt discuss strategies to address these common challenges, such as implementing standardised processes, leveraging technology, and continuously training staff.
  • How to effectively utilise technology to improve practice management in a medical clinic. This includes adopting electronic health records for streamlined documentation, implementing appointment scheduling software, and leveraging telehealth services for enhanced patient access.

Hear all this and much more in the full podcast above!

Listen to another podcast like this one: How to build sustainable billing in a medical practice


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