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Taking care of patient feelings & fears: Dr Frank Lotika's GP journey

Dr Frank Lotika talks about his experiences as a GP for 30 years, why he upskilled in skin cancer medicine and how he hopes to help his patients.

Dr Frank Lotika
HealthCert Education
1 minute read

"Managing patients with a holistic approach, taking care of their feelings, fears and problems - that was the main reason for me to become a doctor."

In this short video, Dr Frank Lotika talks about his experiences as a GP for the past 30 years and as an expert family physician for 10 years. He discusses why he upskilled in skin cancer medicine and how he hopes to help his patients.

"As a GP, we must keep learning, because if we don't learn we can't do anything for our patients."

He further discusses his greatest experiences as a doctor and the greatest lessons he has learnt.

"Consider any patient as a human being to treat them with respect and better care."

Watch the full video:


Interested to upskill in skin cancer diagnosis and treatment? Explore the HealthCert Professional Diploma program in Skin Cancer Medicine - fully online or with optional practical workshops.


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