The Elephant Approach (part 1)
Prof Giuseppe Argenziano explores a brief history of pattern analysis in dermoscopy and introduces The Elephant Approach.
Prof Giuseppe Argenziano explores a brief history of pattern analysis in dermoscopy and introduces The Elephant Approach.
Gluten-free diets are popular, but for some patients could it be something other than gluten that’s causing their symptoms? Here's what GPs should know.
An 87-year-old man presented to dermatologist with a lesion on his chest. Patient put off treatment. Nine months later the lesion has grown significantly.
Case discussion: A young, fair-skinned woman presents with a rapidly growing lesion on her neck. What next?
In this webinar in collaboration with the RACGP, Dr Anoop Jalota explores the buzz term Lifestyle Medicine and delves into this approach to health for GPs.
Dr Vincenzo Piccolo discusses the dermoscopy of pilomatricoma (a common benign tumour associated with hair follicles, usually appearing in childhood).