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Skin Cancer Medicine

Advance your competency in dermoscopy and the surgical and non-surgical treatment of skin cancer. 

Advanced Certificate of Skin Cancer Medicine workshop


Gain valuable experience in rarely covered areas of skin cancer medicine including diathermy, curettage and cautery, and suturing (including ‘paper-thin’ elderly skin).

  • Receive an excellent introduction to advanced dermoscopy.
  • Acquire the essential knowledge to diagnose and manage most skin cancers in your practice. 
  • Manage diagnosis and treatment from your office to increase revenue and reduce referrals.
  • This course is for physicians, nurse practitioners, and degree-qualified nurses.
  • CPD-accredited and university-assured.

CPD requirements

Fulfils 50 hrs for medical professionals in Australia*

Study modes

100% online
Online + workshop

Course fee

Fully online: $2595
Online + workshop: from $3795
Special rates available

Study duration

66.5 hrs

Workshop dates & locations

6 Apr in Sydney
25 May in Melbourne
3 Aug in Brisbane
7 Sep in Sydney
19 Oct in Melbourne

*provided an outcome measurement activity with a minimum of 5 hours is completed.

Quality assured by Bond University

Course benefits

  • Solidify and advance your competency in dermoscopy and surgical and non-surgical treatments, to identify and manage the "big three" skin cancers: BCC, SCC, and melanoma.
  • Improve your diagnostic skills through advanced dermatoscopy.
  • Gain valuable experience in diathermy, advanced biopsy techniques, various suturing approaches, topical treatment options, local anaesthesia, and more.
  • Master ellipse planning to ensure optimal cosmetic outcomes, and perform curettage and cautery, large elliptical excisions, and lower leg grafts to treat more skin lesions and reduce referrals.
  • Manage most skin cancers encountered in primary care and offer your patients a wide range of treatment options.

Get unlimited access to all course content, additional learning materials, ongoing post-course support, and more.

*These topics are covered during the hands-on practical sessions in the optional skills workshop. View the workshop program.

Course contents

Suturing and perfecting the ellipse*

Unit one looks at the most common type of excision (elliptical excision). The detailed marking out process consists of dotting and assessing the edge of lesion, determining solid line surgical margin and designing the ellipse. The unit is illustrated by mathematical diagrams and clinical images of performing the ellipse on various parts of the anatomy. Recordings of key suture techniques and procedures support the learning on both pigskin and in the clinical setting.

Unit two continues with the ellipse procedure. It describes how best to cut the ellipse and how to hold the scalpel. Diagrams and images demonstrate the best practice approach to cutting the ellipse. Videos of blade handle tilt and cutting ends of the ellipse are illustrated in this unit. Attention is also paid to atraumatic technique and undermining supported by clinical recordings.

In unit three, different types of sutures are listed describing pros and cons of each suture type. These include dermal, the slider, dermal pulley, butterfly dermal, simple interrupted, mattress and continuous sutures. Knotting techniques for sutures is described in detail. Multiple clinical images, recordings and diagrams assist with understanding these techniques. The unit concludes with suturing in elderly patients with thinner skin.

Local anaesthesia

The module lists the pharmacology and guidelines of the two main classes of local anaesthetic - amides (lignocaine, bupivacaine, prilocaine) and esters (procaine, benzocaine, cocaine). Two routes of administration of local anaesthesia are described - local field infiltration and/or nerve block. The process of infiltration is listed, including bevel and needle orientation. Recordings of preparation and injecting the site support the learning. Practical tips for the patient are outlined to minimise wound damage due to site numbness.

The second part of this module focusses on injecting the ear and lip, paying attention to sensory nerve blocks including the trigeminal nerve, infra-orbital nerve, mental nerve and temporal nerves. Diagrams, images and clinical recordings of nerve blocks are provided. ‘Tiger country’ complexities are described and supported by diagrams and images. Areas of extreme complexity like Erb's point, facial nerve (temporal branch and marginal branch), and the common peroneal nerve are listed. Signs and symptoms of nerve injury are included and practice tasks are provided.

Curettage and cautery*

This module commences with a comparison of thermal injury with liquid nitrogen to mechanical and thermal injury with electrical desiccation. A table of (pre-)malignant conditions, the freeze time, freeze-thaw cycle and halo diameter are included. The process of cryotherapy (cryosurgery) and where it is appropriate to use cryosurgery including which lesions and locations is explained. The use of a cryogun is described, illustrated by several videos.

The second part of this module focusses on when to use curettage and cautery and locations for curettage, dividing these into three zones of recurrence - high, middle and low risk. The process of curettage and cautery is listed and supported by videos and images. Tips for diagnosis of small basal cell carcinomas and sBCC including a patient case of a small BCC on the nose finalize this module.

Ellipse planning*

The first unit looks at the three priorities in skin cancer surgery: cut the cancer out, close the resulting defect including the limitations of the ellipse, and minimising scar lines. The unit reviews designing the ellipse and applying the ellipse around different anatomical locations with consideration to skin tension lines. Different techniques are demonstrated to determine the best direction to design an ellipse. Diagrams are included of tension lines on face, limbs and chest. Images and videos illustrate the learning in this unit.

The second unit focusses on ellipse planning on various areas of the face and hands. Curving ellipses may be used when following skin tension lines. Clinical recordings and images are provided. ‘Tiger country’ is reinforced at the conclusion of this module.

Chaos and clues

This module focusses on the Chaos and Clues algorithm looking at pattern recognition and analysis. A chaos and clues flowchart for this decision algorithm for cutaneous malignancy and revised pattern analysis is included. Many dermoscopic images are used to demonstrate the application of this algorithm. The definitions of the different patterns are listed, with a focus to understanding colours in dermatoscopy as well as clues to a specific diagnosis or malignancy.

Pattern + Colours + Clues = Diagnosis. The use of this equation is demonstrated throughout the presentation. The identification of chaos in lesions is outlined. Histopathology images are also included for consideration.

The big three: BCC, SCC and melanoma

Unit one commences with outlining the clinical and dermoscopic features of BCCs, biopsy options, pathology and treatment approaches. The module then moves to solar keratosis and examines the use of topical non-surgical treatments.

Unit two continues with field-directed treatment methods including photodynamic therapy, and lists the pros and cons of available treatments. Two patient cases are included.

Unit three covers SCC lesions and outlines the clinical and dermoscopic features, biopsy options, pathology and treatment approaches. Clinical cases including images are provided for various SCCs.

Unit four focusses on melanomas and sentinel lymph nodes and again outlines the clinical and dermoscopic features, biopsy options, pathology and treatment approaches. Clinical cases are provided for various melanomas.

Case management

This module builds on the course learning and relates this information to clinical case studies. It includes planning surgical procedures, suturing techniques (simple interrupted, dermal, mattress, mirini, pulley and continuous), and suturing on "paper-thin" skin. Curettage and cautery, elliptical excisions, biopsies, lower leg grafts are also applied to these cases. Determining when to refer to others is included. Presented as three units, clinical case management of various cancers on different anatomical areas are featured throughout this module.

Did you know you can also study most of these course modules in HealthCert 365?

If you're not interested in pursuing a full certificate in this field but simply want to enhance your skills in specific topics covered in this course, you can access the content of this and other courses for a flat fee of $83 per month (paid annually) within HealthCert 365.

Meet your instructors

 Professor Cliff Rosendahl
Prof Cliff Rosendahl


Professor and Course Coordinator MMed (Skin Cancer) Program School of Medicine, The University of Queensland, Australia

Professor Cliff Rosendahl currently works in Brisbane as a primary care practitioner with a special interest in skin cancer. He also has an interest in research as the clinical developer and Director of the Skin Cancer Audit Research Database (SCARD). His other main area of research has been in evaluating dermatoscopic clues and artificial intelligence for the diagnosis of skin malignancy in collaboration with colleagues at the Medical University of Vienna, Austria.

Prof Rosendahl has published over 70 articles in peer-reviewed journals and authored/co- authored two textbooks. He has a busy schedule presenting to GPs in Australia and to GPs and dermatologists internationally.

Dr Colin Armstrong
Dr Colin Armstrong
BSc, BMBS, MMed (Skin Cancer), FRACGP


Doctor, National Skin Cancer Centres, Redcliffe

Dr Colin Armstrong is a general practitioner and part-time clinical trials investigator at the Wesley Research Institute, Brisbane. He completed all HealthCert certificate courses and The University of Queensland Master of Medicine (Skin Cancer) in 2011. Working primarily in skin cancer since 2010, Colin is passionate about building GPs’ confidence in their management of skin cancer and has an ongoing commitment to GP education in all facets of skin cancer diagnosis and treatment.

 Dr Hamilton Ayres
Dr Hamilton Ayres


Doctor, National Skin Cancer Centres, Berwick

Dr Hamilton Ayres worked in Adelaide as a Plastic Surgery Registrar at Flinders, Repatriation General Hospital and the Royal Adelaide Hospital where his main role was the management of trauma, hand injuries and difficult skin cancers. Hamilton has obtained a Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and Certificates in Skin Cancer Medicine, Dermatoscopy and Histopathology from HealthCert and The University of Queensland School of Medicine.

Study modes

Doctor studying online

100% online

Study at your own pace and to your own schedule. Interactivity, discussion, and feedback opportunities are included.

  • View and replay video lectures at your convenience.
  • Participate in online case discussions and interact with your peers.
  • Attend or watch recordings of live tutorials with experts in this field.
  • Ask questions and discuss clinical cases in live tutorials.
  • Complete your assessment online and receive your CPD hours and certificate.
Doctor at a HealthCert practical workshop

Online + workshop

Complete your course online and receive all the benefits of online study, then put theory into practice at a small-group workshop.

  • Gain hands-on practise in various surgical techniques under expert guidance.
  • Workshops are available in Brisbane, Melbourne, and Sydney.
Digital library of CPD activities

HealthCert 365

Easily meet your CPD requirements and gain valuable skills – all in one place  for $83 per month.

  • Customise your learning experience by accessing and focusing only on course modules that interest you the most.
  • Gain access to 200+ additional CPD activities and 50-hour special focus CPD programs, sourced from all HealthCert university-assured programs.


Advanced Certificate of Skin Cancer Medicine

from $2595

  • Meets the 50hr annual CPD requirement*
  • 100% online from $2595 or with face-to-face workshop from $3595
  • Workshops in Brisbane, Melbourne or Sydney

*provided an outcome measurement activity with a minimum of 5 hours is completed.


Bundle two courses and save 5%, or three courses and save 10% upon enrolment.
Talk to us about deferred payment options, registrar scholarships and special rates.

Advanced Certificate of Skin Cancer Medicine example
This certificate meets the 50hr annual CPD requirement for medical practitioners

Lots of practice with supervision. This course greatly increased my confidence in managing skin cancer in my practice.

Dr N. Lo

Brilliant presenters, very relevant topics and overall great course. It will have a practical application in my clinical practice.

Dr S. Vig

If you ever look at skin lesions in your practice, you must do these courses. You can't do any skin cancer medicine in general practice without this information.

Dr S. Southgate

Everything was very relevant and easy to understand. Certainly in a very different league to all the other courses I have attended.

Dr M. Kaur

This essential course is a must-do for safe minor surgery, tailored to GPs.

Dr T. Seppi

Accredited CPD activities in this certificate

Each module in this certificate is an RACGP and ACRRM approved CPD activity.

RACGP Activity Number ACRRM Activity Number Activity Title Education Hours Performance Hours Outcome Hours
404186 28023 Ellipse planning 404186 28023 4 5 0
404174 28021 Biopsy, Haemostasis and Halo grafting 404174 28021 4 5 0
404164 28019 Suturing and Perfecting the Ellipse 404164 28019 4.5 5 0
404190 28024 The Big Three: BCC, SCC and Melanoma 404190 28024 5 5 0
404182 28022 Curretage and Cryotherapy 404182 28022 4 5 0
404168 28020 Local anaesthetics 404168 28020 4.5 5 0
403766 28428 The Chaos and Clues method 403766 28428 4.5 6 0
808062 32971 Local Anaesthesia Outcome Improvement Activity 808062 32971 0 0 8.5
Total hours 30.5 36 8.5

Workshop CPD hours

The optional Advanced Skin Cancer Medicine Practical Workshop is accredited for 8 CPD hours total.

Education hours: 1
Performance hours: 7

Outcome measurement

The purpose of outcome measurement activities is to improve your clinical confidence in managing an identified learning gap. Outcome measurement activities are not a requirement of our Professional Certificate of Advanced Certificate courses; they are a requirement for Australian CPD purposes.

HealthCert Education provides a variety of outcome measurements activities to suit your needs:

  • Outcome Improvement Activities relating to specific topics within a course. They are designed to examine current clinical care, align clinical practice with best practice standards, and identify opportunities for improvement. These activities are accredited with RACGP and ACRRM.
  • Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) options on a specific topic or your identified area. A generic template and guides are provided. PDSAs are self-submitted activities.
  • Additional activities with guides include Test Measurement, Pathology Results, Practice Meetings, Peer Review, Practice Accreditation, Project Management, Student Supervision, and Pick your own topics (General Practice and Log Book methods). These are self-submitted activities.


Pre- and post-course information

Entry requirements

The Advanced Certificate of Skin Cancer Medicine is suitable for physicians, nurse practitioners, and degree-qualified nurses. Participants must have completed the HealthCert Professional Certificate of Skin Cancer Medicine (or a qualification deemed equivalent).

Participants do not have to pass an IELTS test but, as the courses are delivered in English, proficiency in listening, reading and writing English is assumed.

Participants will require access to a computer/laptop, an internet connection and a basic level of technology proficiency to access and navigate the online learning portal.

Recognition of prior learning (RPL)

Professionally recognised qualifications and prior studies may be recognised for entry into this course if the learning outcomes match exactly. Please ask a HealthCert Education Advisor for an individual assessment of your prior qualifications and experience.


This certificate course meets the minimum 50 hours CPD annual requirement across all three mandatory CPD activity types, provided an outcome measurement activity with a minimum of five hours is completed. You may use an optional HealthCert outcome measurement activity or develop your own.

Outcome measurement activities are not a requirement of Professional or Advanced Certificates.

Upon successful completion of the course requirements, you will receive the Advanced Certificate of Skin Cancer Medicine and CPD hours.

This certificate course:

  • Is quality-assured by Bond University.
  • Qualifies for CPD hours from the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP).
  • Qualifies for CPD hours from the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM).
  • Is recognised by the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP).
  • Is recognised by the Hong Kong College of Family Physicians (HKCFP). The HKCFP recognises all courses endorsed by the RACGP. Hours are calculated differently.
  • Is a self-submitted activity in Dubai. The number of CPD hours must be stated on the certificate. Please contact for more information.
  • Is a self-submitted activity in the UK. CPD events overseas, applicable to a doctor’s scope of practice, may be submitted for revalidation. Please confirm with your Responsible Officer.
  • Is a self-submitted activity in Canada through the College of Family Physicians of Canada. Contact for more information.
  • Qualifies for a clinical attachment in France at the University of Lyon.
  • Qualifies for a clinical attachment in Austria at the University of Vienna.
  • Meets World Federation of Medical Education standards.
  • Has been independently developed with subject experts and does not receive education grants from any pharmaceutical company.

To learn more about the delivery of certificates in Australia and overseas, please visit our FAQs.


Professional Diploma Pathway

This course is the second stage of the Professional Diploma pathway. The full pathway is Professional Certificate of Skin Cancer Medicine, Advanced Certificate of Skin Cancer Medicine, and Professional Diploma of Skin Cancer Medicine.

RPL with The University of Queensland

The Professional Diploma of Skin Cancer Medicine is guaranteed for RPL for the unit IMED7010, part of the Graduate Certificate of Medicine (Skin Cancer) which is the first step in the Master of Medicine (Skin Cancer) at The University of Queensland. There are no further requirements for this RPL, it is automatic and guaranteed and provides a saving on fees. Learn more about The University of Queensland, Master of Medicine (Skin Cancer)

Master of Medicine (Skin Cancer)
Doctors who complete the HealthCert Professional Diploma programs in Dermoscopy, Skin Cancer Medicine and Skin Cancer Surgery will receive RPL for the units IMED7002, IMED7010, and IMED7011, which are high-level subjects in the Master of Medicine (Skin Cancer) at The University of Queensland. The Master of Medicine is open only to registered medical practitioners with at least two years' postgraduate experience. IMED7010 is also a part of the Graduate Certificate Medicine (Skin Cancer); if a student (with two years' postgraduate clinical experience) who isn’t a registered medical practitioner has completed the HealthCert Skin Cancer Medicine pathway and the UQ units IMED7001, IMED7002, and IMED7003, they can receive the Graduate Certificate. View The University of Queensland, Master of Medicine (Skin Cancer) program.

Please note, only HealthCert Education qualifications completed within the last ten years can be recognised.

RPL with Torrens University

This postgraduate pathway is for General Practitioners and degree-qualified medical practitioners who have successfully completed a HealthCert Professional Diploma (all three levels) in Skin Cancer Medicine, Skin Cancer Surgery or Dermoscopy. The following postgraduate course is offered entirely online through Torrens University: Master of Business Administration (MBA). Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is available for two general electives for any HealthCert Professional Diploma. In cases where a HealthCert alumni has completed two Professional Diplomas, they will be able to apply for four general electives towards the MBA. This will be helpful to further develop business, management and leadership capabilities. Please apply directly to Torrens University

Postgraduate Diploma in Dermatology (UK)

The Postgraduate Diploma in Dermatology is studied through the Rila Institute of Health Sciences and awarded by the University of Plymouth (UK).

There are three modules in the Postgraduate Diploma. Medical professionals who successfully complete the HealthCert Professional Certificate of Skin Cancer MedicineAdvanced Certificate of Skin Cancer Medicine and Professional Diploma of Skin Cancer Medicine will be eligible to apply for Accreditation of Prior Certified Learning (APCL) for module 3.

The Postgraduate Diploma is mainly delivered online. No practical workshops will be required due to the APCL from the HealthCert qualifications. Overall there will be a time saving of 40 per cent of the postgraduate program due to the APCL. Exams will be held in Perth, Western Australia.

When the Postgraduate Diploma has been successfully completed, medical professionals can apply for credit from the Postgraduate Diploma to the Master of Science in the specialism awarded by the University of Plymouth.

Certified Clinical Attachments Pathway

Clinical attachments are optional and available on a 1:1 or small group basis. These provide the opportunity to observe skin cancer treatments and ask questions of the expert performing the treatments. In addition to clinical attachments in Australia, university teaching hospitals at the University of Lyon and the University of Vienna are available for clinical attachments. HealthCert certificates and university statements are awarded for participating in clinical attachments.

The Medical University of Vienna is the largest medical organisation in Austria, as well as one of the top-level research institutions in Europe and provides Europe's largest hospital, the Vienna General Hospital, with all of its medical staff. The Vienna General Hospital has about 100,000 patients treated as inpatients and 605,000 treated as outpatients each year.

The dominant areas of study covered by The Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 are science and medicine. Attached to the university are the "Hospices civils de Lyon" including the "Centre Hospitalier Lyon Sud", which is the largest teaching hospital in the Rhône-Alpes region and second largest in France. Out of the 2,630 faculty, 700 are also medical practitioners at local teaching hospitals.


University quality-assured and CPD-accredited education provider 

This organisation is an RACGP-accredited CPD provider under the RACGP CPD Program.

Quality assured by Bond University
RACGP Major Provider
Postgraduate RPL with UQ
Clinical attachments with the Medical University of Vienna
Clinical attachments available with the Medical Univeristy of Lyon
Clinical attachments available with the National Skin Cancer Centres
Rila - Institute of Health Sciences

Frequently asked questions

Don't see your question? Explore other faqs or talk to us.

What are the costs and payment options of the course?

Fees will vary based on the program and study option selected (fully online vs online + optional practical workshop). Payments can be made upfront or in monthly instalments. Special rates and various payment options are available. GP registrars and doctors in training enjoy a scholarship of up to $500. Talk to us to learn more.

What is the Alumni Support Program?

Completion of any HealthCert course or attendance at an event will enable you to access the HealthCert Alumni Program which includes:

  • Access to special alumni rates for new courses when they are released.
  • Special alumni price for HealthCert Conferences.
  • Exclusive advanced access to HealthCert events.
  • Regular Alumni Webinars pertaining to the course(s) you have attended. These will provide content review of the course and an opportunity to discuss case studies.
  • Access to the video lectures as seen during the course(s) that you have attended.
How will I receive my certificate?

HealthCert Education is pleased to issue digital credentials for alumni. Digital credentials are a permanent online record of your successful completion of a HealthCert course and are issued to all course participants in addition to PDF certificates. If you are based in Australia, you also have the option to order a hard copy of your digital certificate for a small additional fee.

How long will the course take to complete?

The recommended study duration of this certificate course is 66.5 hours, which includes study of the pre-course activities and readings, online lectures, live tutorials, and online assessment. This self-paced course offers the flexibility of 100% online study in your own time, at your own pace, in your own home or office, with no mandatory face-to-face requirements. You are not required to be online at specific times but can view and replay video lectures at your convenience.

Is this course recognised in my country?

All HealthCert courses meet World Federation of Medical Education standards. This certificate course qualifies for CPD hours from the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) and the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) in Australia. It is recognised by the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) in New Zealand. It is recognised by the Hong Kong College of Family Physicians (HKCFP) in China. It is a self-submitted activity in Dubai and the United Kingdom. It is a self-submitted activity through the College of Family Physicians in Canada. If you live or work outside one of the above-mentioned countries, please contact us on to discuss whether this course can be recognised in your country.

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